Understanding and troubleshooting common electrical problems is crucial for every homeowner. Whether your home is experiencing flickering lights, non-functioning outlets, or frequent circuit breaker trips, being able to identify and address these issues can save you time, money, and potential hazards.

In this blog, the licensed electricians from B & R Electric will explore three of the most common electrical problems and provide practical troubleshooting tips to help you resolve them safely.

1. Flickering Lights and Electrical Surges

Flickering lights and electrical surges can be frustrating and concerning for homeowners. These issues can disrupt your daily activities and potentially damage your electronic devices.

Causes of Flickering Lights

Loose or Faulty Bulbs

Flickering lights can often be attributed to loose or faulty bulbs. Loose connections between the bulb and the socket can cause intermittent contact, resulting in flickering. Similarly, bulbs nearing the end of their lifespan may flicker before burning out completely.

Faulty Light Switches or Dimmers

Defective or worn-out light switches or dimmers can cause flickering lights. These components may develop loose connections or internal faults over time, leading to an intermittent power supply to the lights.

Troubleshooting Flickering Lights

Tightening or Replacing Bulbs

Start by ensuring that all bulbs are securely screwed into their sockets. If a bulb appears loose, turn off the power, remove the bulb, and reinsert it properly. Consider replacing any bulbs that continue to flicker after tightening.

Inspecting and Replacing Faulty Switches or Dimmers

If you suspect a faulty light switch or dimmer, turn off the power to the affected circuit and carefully inspect the switch or dimmer for signs of damage or loose connections.

2. Circuit Breaker Tripping Frequently

When a circuit breaker trips frequently, it indicates an underlying electrical issue that requires immediate attention.

Reasons for Circuit Breaker Tripping

Overloaded Circuits

Overloading occurs when the electrical demand on a circuit exceeds its capacity. It can happen when multiple high-wattage appliances or devices are connected to a single circuit simultaneously, causing the breaker to trip as a protective measure.

Short Circuits

A short circuit may occur when a hot wire comes into close contact with a neutral wire or ground, creating a low-resistance path for electrical current. This causes a surge in current flow, triggering the circuit breaker to trip and prevent potential hazards, such as fire or electrical damage.

Troubleshooting Frequent Circuit Breaker Tripping

Balancing Electrical Loads

If a circuit frequently trips due to overload, evaluate the electrical load on that circuit. Consider redistributing appliances and devices to different circuits to achieve a more balanced electrical load.

Identifying and Fixing Short Circuits

If a short circuit is suspected, unplug or turn off all devices and appliances connected to the tripping circuit. Inspect the outlets, switches, and junction boxes for any signs of visible damage, such as melted insulation or burn marks.

If you identify any damaged or exposed wiring, consult a professional electrician to safely repair or replace the affected components.

3. Electric Shocks or Electrocution Risks

If you experience frequent electric shocks when using electrical appliances or outlets, it's essential to identify and address the underlying issue immediately.

Potential Causes of Electric Shocks

Faulty Wiring

Faulty wiring is a common cause of electric shocks. It can occur due to improper installation, aging infrastructure, or damage caused by rodents or other external factors. Faulty wiring can lead to electrical current leaking and creating a hazard.

Damaged or Exposed Wires

Wires that are damaged, frayed, or exposed pose a significant risk of electric shocks. Physical damage to wiring can occur from wear and tear, accidental damage, or exposure to harsh environmental conditions.

These damaged wires can come into contact with conductive surfaces, increasing the risk of shocks.

Ground Faults

Grounding is an essential safety feature in electrical systems. It provides a way for electrical current to flow into the ground in the event of a fault. Faulty grounding or the absence of proper grounding can increase the likelihood of electric shocks.

Troubleshooting Electric Shock Risks

Inspecting and Repairing Wiring

If you suspect faulty wiring as a potential cause of electric shocks, it's crucial to contact a licensed electrician immediately. They have the expertise to assess your electrical system, identify faulty wiring, and make the necessary repairs or replacements to ensure your safety.

Fixing Damaged or Exposed Wires

If you come across damaged or exposed wires, avoiding contact and keeping others away from the area is important. Shut off the power to the circuit at the electrical panel and call a qualified electrician for professional assessment and repair.

Verifying Grounding Connections

Check the grounding connections, such as those connected to metal pipes or ground rods. If any of these appear damaged or loose, turn off the power to the affected circuit and call an electrician for inspection.

When to Call a Professional for Help?

When dealing with any electrical issue, it's important to prioritize safety. If you suspect an underlying cause of flickering lights, non-functioning outlets, or electric shocks, it's best to call for professional help.

An experienced and qualified electrician can inspect the electrical system, diagnose any underlying issues, and provide the necessary repairs.

This is especially important if the issue involves major components like electrical panels, wiring, or grounding connections. Working with an experienced electrician can ensure your property's electrical system is safe and functioning correctly.


Dealing with flickering lights, non-functioning outlets, or electric shocks can be a daunting task. However, understanding the underlying causes and taking the proper steps to address them can ensure safety and restore your electrical system to its optimal condition.

If you're unable to identify or resolve the issue on your own, please don't hesitate to call a qualified electrician for help. With the right knowledge and approach, your electrical system will be running smoothly and safely.

Speak with a Licensed Electrician Today

For more information and professional assistance, contact B & R Electric today. Our experienced electricians can evaluate your electrical system and provide the necessary repairs and upgrades to make your electrical system safe and reliable.

Contact us today at (905) 814-1881 for a free consultation and to get started on resolving your home's electrical issues!